PulseOximeter with Raspberry Pi Pico and simple circuit

Previously, I developed the DIY pulse oximeter which can be made with cheap and general parts and 3D printer.
In that project, transmitted light was measured by combining an Arduino Nano and analog circuits.
On the other hand, Raspberry Pi Pico released this year has an ADC resolution of + 2 Bit and clock frequency of about 8 times that of the ATmega328.
This performance allows the use of an internal ADC and simplifies the transmitted light measurement circuit.
Therefore, I developed a pulse oximeter with a raspberry pi pico and a simple circuit.

当時のプロジェクトでは安価なArduino Nanoとアナログ回路を組み合わせて透過光を測定しました。
一方、今年発売されたRaspberry Pi PicoはATmega328に比べてADC分解能が+2ビット、クロック周波数が約8倍と高性能です。
そこで、Raspberry Pi Picoベースのパルスオキシメーターを開発しました。

[Eng Sub.]No 3D printer required! Let's make Pulse Oximeter with Raspberry Pi Pico.

Download List
SchematicRev1_1.pdf Schematic
PartsListRev1_1.pdf Parts list
Clip_Rev3_3.zip Probe STL files
uf2_v02.zip Pre-built program
picopom_v02.tar.gz Source program

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